Your purpose,

fully realized.

entelechy helps you foster strategic and cultural alignment to take bold steps forward, together.

Many of us feel the frustration of unfulfilled potential—in ourselves, our teams, and our organizations.

There’s meaningful work to do, and yet somehow we struggle to get on the same page strategically and culturally. We may even be stuck in unproductive cycles of conflict.

entelechy brings expertise in leadership development, cultural transformation, and integrative strategy to unlock this cycle.

Core methodologies include coaching, facilitation, and conflict engagement to help you navigate complexity and take bold action.


Services to realize your potential

Leadership Development

Empower leaders to drive cultural transformation and embody organizational purpose with clarity and authenticity.

Cultural Transformation

Guide organizations towards a culture that embodies and accelerates their purpose and values.


Integrate organizational purpose, culture, and leadership capabilities into a strategic plan, ensuring alignment and synergy across all levels.

Partnering with entelechy

  • "Ceri’s exceptional ability in conflict resolution and navigating complex discussions is unmatched. She possesses a rare talent for not only guiding challenging conversations through to concrete outcomes, but also equipping leaders with the tools and insights necessary for continued effectiveness and growth."

    Taylor Carcasole, Managing Director, Simple Partners

  • "Ceri’s facilitation is a competitive advantage. Most seasoned leaders will know that good facilitation is the difference between wasted time (and money), and hallmarks of a high performing team—from motivation and alignment to flow and empowered decision-making. Ceri takes this phenomenon to the next level. Whether it’s 1:1 executive coaching, running a strategy session with your C-suite, or a workshop for 100 emerging leaders, Ceri’s skillful facilitation will pay itself forward a thousand fold."

    Kathy Kwon, DEI Consultant

  • "Ceri is a strategic problem solver who excels at getting to the core of challenges. Ceri is not only an excellent communicator but also possesses a keen sense of what's important in building strong organizational cultures. In addition, she has a unique talent for forging strong connections and building meaningful relationships. I wholeheartedly recommend Ceri for any role that requires strategic thinking and a passion for cultivating thriving cultures."

    Ryan Hanawalt, Partner at CBTW

  • "I've seen Ceri transform communities and co-create wildly needed initiatives — she helps activate eco-centered shifts with a clarity and confidence that's truly rare. As a coach and facilitator, I trust her with the thorniest of challenges and stickiest of rooms, knowing she'll meet each new surprise with curiosity, courage and grace. And at a personal level, Ceri's coaching and teaching on conflict, empathy and assertion has been deeply influential for me, helping me revisit deeply-set patterns as a human as a leader. There is a potential coming-aliveness that humans, systems, and organizations can activate, and facilitating exactly this kind of "entelechy" is Ceri's unique gift. Co.School. Founder and Facilitator. "

    Kevan Gilbert, CEO,

  • "Leaders need to know how to lead themselves and others in times of change. Because we are living in such times at a new level of intensity, Ceri has helped me to unpack my leadership approach in both a professional and deeply personal way."

    Coaching Client, VP of Creative

  • "Ceri played a key role in the development of Past Futures, providing a structured space for generative conversation and action. As a coach, Ceri helped to enable the tangible steps towards its launch, and supported me in my personal leadership journey as a founder."

    Alexander Dirksen, Founder of Past Futures


Relentless curiosity and wise action.

entelechy founder, Ceri Rees, brings executive leadership experience in the integration of people, culture and business strategy.




The actualization of something as opposed to its mere potentiality.

The condition of a thing whose essence is fully realized.

A sense of purpose in every living thing, and growth towards its fulfillment.

Curious about working together?

Book an intro to coaching call or a free 20 minute consultation.